RaeGun is getting some attention right now so I thought that I would share those with you as well as highlight some past publicity that I have found out about after the fact or just forgot to share earlier.
EtsyBaby a street team I'm a part of has a load of treasuries right now and my fashion bloomers are in one of them. It's called get this "EtsyBaby Butt Gear" haha. Check it out.
Also I'm being featured on Oddist's blog today and tomorrow. He's got a new blog featuring Etsy sellers. It's a pretty cool site.
Something very cool that happened a while back was that my punk kitties dress was featured on babble's drool.icio.us. blog. Thanks to Chrisjordan for noticing our stuff! Very cool! See the exact post here.
Also the utahetsy street team blog mentioned my write up about sugared plum boutique I did in November.
And Jackie at According to Femputer tried to spread the word about our first ever contest. We'll have to do another one of those in the future.