With my 10 minutes of strength that I gained from my "left-over soup", another soup where I (well this time I gave the music maker instructions)just threw the stuff from last nights dinner into a pot with broth and a few extras, I finished these bloomers. They were almost done when this blasted bug found me. I was awake for more of the day which I used to go to the doctor to confirm that it is the flu which I just have to endure. I'm still really weak but miraculously I can sit up for a good 20 minutes at a time before I feel completely exhausted. This is a great improvement since I've pretty much been laying down or sleeping for the last couple of days. I'm so happy I stuck a loaf of homemade ciabatta bread in the freezer last week. It thawed beautifully and tasted delicious. And when I have the energy to transcribe the recipe I will because it is so so yummy.