Howdee All,
I went out yesterday in search of the elusive Morel mushroom.
After dropping my sister off at work I decided I would drive the back roads of Sanford and stop when I was in an area that looked like it would have Morels.
The first place I stopped looked pretty good, a low area, creek, Tulip poplar trees. I pulled the car off to the shoulder and got out to look around.
I scanned the creek and low and behold…across the creek was a beautiful little golden morel glowing in the sunlight. I was so excited….but i had to cross the creek.
There was a fallen dead tree over the creek, a nice wide tree. The creek was only five feet across but about knee deep. I decided to crawl on all fours over the log to reach the beautiful Morel… I was half way across when …Plop….my camera falls out of the case on my hip and into the creek.
I had no other choice but to go in after it and I knew I needed to rescue it fast before the water damaged the camera….So in I went…clothes,shoes and all…up to my knees ..pulled out the camera and since I was already wet..crossed the creek toward the Morel.
My thoughts were now about my camera….I tried to turn it on…no go…dead….dead..
I could do nothing… was wet…..I took out the battery and shook the camera……put the battery back in…still nothing…
Oh well…I decided there was nothing I could do for the camera…..and picked the Morel…how bittersweet…I found a few more morels in the same area…and left when I was sure there were no more.
I would have loved to have taken photos of the creek, the log, the lovely morels growing in the woods…but my precious camera was no longer working.
Boo Hoo…
I searched several more areas that day and found about ten morels in all. Not a grand bounty, not big specimens that I have found before…but nice little ones…Proof that their are morels around.
I put my camera in the sun and let it dry out. By the time I went to pick up my sister, my camera was turning on but the screen was cloudy and it wasn't acting normal..but I had hope that it might pull through.
And so far….it is getting better each minute….
It decided to show off and take a few photos…at the nursery..
and last but not least..
the cause of its drowning…
My camera continues to work and today it says it will try some bird feeder digiscoping.
Its still a bit under the weather and is in no mood for a Morel mushroom foray.
And, besides,the Blue Grosbeak showed up at the feeder today.
We have our priorities.