Howdee all,
This blog post is dedicated to my sister Lori, who is a mega Adam fan.
She knew I was in NYC, when she found out that Adam would be here she told me that she would Love me forever if I got his autograph for her…
I just needed a partner in crime…Cousin Ashala who lives in the city is also a off we went!
Ashala and I woke up bright and early to arrive on the CBS outdoor stage at 6:30. It was very cold and windy and we froze our bums off!
We were on this mornings segment of The morning show….Mom and Sister saw me.
Adams segment didn't start until after 10am…it wont air until Thursday on CBS morning show.
I don't think that I will be on the show Thursday. I didn't see any cameras come my way…but who cares…watch Adam!
I was told Adam will be on Regis and Kelly tomorrow and in Rockefeller center Thursday. If you are in the area…treat yourself to some Adam.
So here you are Sicksta Lori , I hope you enjoy the photos and video.
Wish you were with me!
Will you love me forever Sicksta Lori, for this photo of a very handsome Adam? He wasn't signing autographs..butt…butt…how about this photo..tee hee
Will you love me forever for a little bit of Adam cuteness?Will you love me forever for more cuteness?
Will you love me forever for this awesome smile shot?
Will you love me forever for the thumbs up shot? Oh..I know you will love me forever, Sicksta Lori..autograph or not..
But i sure do wish I could have gotten one for you!
Enjoy the video…sorry about the shaking…we were wall to wall people..giddy girls and giddy boys!