Two days ago Jeff and I birded Nummy Island. (I am not a bird)
If you look closely in the Photo below you can see little dots.
I am always having to ask Jeff about these birds. Very difficult for me to ID.
Semipalmated Plovers in foreground, Dunlins and Short-billed DowitchersLook at the sizes and shapes of these birds. (nor am I turning into a bird)
The largest bird is a Willet the bird in the foreground is Short-blled Dowitcher the other two birds with the black belly are Dunlins,of course this is breeding plumage…easier to ID. Compare the Dunlin top to the Short billed Dowitcher bottom the Dowitcher is a bit bigger than the Dunlin. (nope ..I am still not turning into a bird)
Short-billed Dowitcher bathing.I just love seeing all the individual feathers.
Black-bellied Plover.. Wow..Love that breeding Plumage..I couldn't get a closer photo..but will try again this afternoon. (Me not a bird)
close up of the Dunlin…look at its black belly (not a bird..not me)Least Sandpiper…Yellowish legs (nope ..I am not a birdie)
Great Egret with first fish capture..tee hee
(I like birds but I am not one of them)Whimbrels with the long decurved bills
hee hee ..not be be confused with Long billed Curlews who's bills are so long I think they trip when they walk. (I have no bill,I am not a bird)this is one small bird that my camera seems to be able to photograph..
Warblers are evading me.
(probalbly because I am not a bird) This picture below I call “woulda coulda shoulda”
The colors were amazing..I should have opened the car door and gone outside to get a shot with out the grasses… was windy and chilly and (I am not a bird)
we left the salt marsh area and went to see what birds we could find at the shore.
(I am not a bird)
Sanderlings hee hee…look at the little fellow on the that some kind of new Sanderling dance? (I am still not a bird!)
Sanderilings check out the bill, the shape.
( I am not a bird)
But these are…
Sanderlings doing what they do best!
I know that my Sickstas and mother think I am looking at and talking about and blogging about birds so much that they say I am turning into a bird…and will fly away soon.
Look Mom, Dad,Sickstas, brother,friends…See….I have no feathers
I am not a bird!
(though I have suspicions that Jeff is )
Well I think I will fly off now..I mean, go now…