I was finally able to get a decent photo of a Bee…Yippee for me! I see all you other nature bloggers capture bees and bugs so well…I have been trying to emulate you..and finally I was successful.
Meet Mr. Bumble. I watched this fellow for a while..
CENTAUREA Macrocephala : YELLOW HARD HEAD He had to work pretty hard to get down to the pollen.
I took this video of him working his way around the flower.
Mom and Dad have allot of interesting plants in their garden
hen and chicks
My Dad grows Bonsais ..must have at least 100 of them. Good thing we got rid of one garden…one less thing to take care of.
Dad likes plants that are exotic looking..this one smells heavenly.
brugmansia The veggie garden, is doing well..but would be much happier with a little more sun.
The weather has been overcast and rainy for over a month. Yesterday was an exception..warm and sunny. Here's wishing for more sunshine!
Until next time…check out some more notes
on nature by clicking on the flower below.