I made little Tira a crayon cozie as an attempt to use up my scraps (and because my friend had just made one and I fell in love). And after seeing how much
As always to enter this giveaway link back to this blog post on your blog (or other internet thing-y). As always feel free to use my pictures for giveaway posts. Next comment on this post telling me where you linked it. And please make sure I have a way to contact you (ex. if your blog/profile is private leave your email address). I will pick two winners so tell me which you want (and remember if you link in different places you can have multiple entries) . For more info on these giveaways and to see a list of past winners see this post.
As a new little bonus I've set up a Facebook fan page if you want to enter by posting to your facebook just become a fan first which you can do that here. (p.s. it's brand new so it's kinda naked)
This giveaway is open until 6/26/09