Howdee all,
Another Birders who Blog, Tweet and Chirp outing!
Saturday, August 15th at 8am until.??? Victoria, MN
Lynne from Hasty Brook Blog has been working hard organizing the day for us all.
Read the Details here on her blog.
Here is the List of Cast and Characters attending at this point.
Lynne from Hasty Brook
Ruthie Johnson the Nature Knitter
Ray from Troutbirder
Roger Everhart from Minnesota Birdnerd
Hap in New Hope is Lynne's birding mentor
Virginia from Bees in the City
Mike and Lizette from Mike and Lizette's Travels and Thoughts
Penelope from Penelopedia: Nature and Garden in Northfield Minnesota
and me, Dawn and hubby Jeff..the better birder in the family
Elizabeth BudgiesRuleHere on twitter
S.Snyder Hellziggy on twitter her livejournal
Birdchick will not be able to attend as previously planned as she will be filming in Las Vegas.
Thanks Lynne for all the effort you have put into planning this event!
Thanks also to Birdchick for all her helpful info on where to bird the area.
Cant wait to meet you all!
If you are in the area and want to join us..Please comment here or on Lynne's Blog.
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76 members and growing,
Please join and check it out