Cultural Dictionary
Parting is such sweet sorrow
A line from the play Romeo and Juliet, by William Shakespeare; Juliet is saying good night to Romeo. Their sorrowful parting is also “sweet” because it makes them think about the next time they will see each other.
Howdee all,
Yes we are westward bound…
That's me, well my foot and leg, and this view is somewhere in Ct. see laptop..hee hee.
I surf the net, Read Blogs, Tweet and watch TV, while my faithful Driver, Jeff drives all day long.
to Ct.and our Families.
To AM walks with Mom and Dad and Star
Moms, not walking this day, she is at her Yoga class.
Its been a nice summer..although wet…it has made for a Very Green lawn!
Last year this lawn was brown. Goodbye lawn..see you next year!
Good bye late summer flowersThe Japanese beetles are here…mom says she hasn't seen them in few years.
Where have they been..and why are the picking on the roses?Another lover of wet weather
A mushroom turned into Pac Man..hee most likely a squirrel or chipmunk
(Do Pac Men eat rocks?)
Looks like some type of Boletus. Goodbye CT. mushrooms.
Off to pick me some King Boletus, Chanterelles and other mushrooms out west.
The Baltimore Orioles have gone off to eat berries and bugs..
Time for a Bumble bee party! More late summer bloomers
Look closely…what flower is this Sicksta Lori?..Dad says you have one.Mom and Dads garden is exploding with veggies. I picked these before we left.
Had Some collard greens last night with BBQ chicken from Trader Joes.
This morning I had blueberries on my cereal.
Thanks Mom and Dad!
Yes, there is still weeding to be done…Guess its up to you Mom and Dad!
Jeff and I will help again next year!
The summer is coming to a close…at least this Sassafras tree says so.
See you next summer.Goodbye for now Mom and Dad, Star and family.
We had a wonderful time!
“Parting is such sweet sorrow.”