So I definitely took way more costume orders than I should of, but they're all out thanks to the constant help of my family. But next year I will definitely put a number of costumes cap instead of a date cap because seriously for the last month and a half I've been mostly sewing/packing/responding to messages. And for the last 2 weeks I literally have done only that and a few times make dinner staying up to 2 am and 3 am every night with my mom and sis and mil helping me for hours during the day and night. Way too much.
On top of that we decided to sell our house now since it's the type of place home buyers would want and there are more looking because of the government rebate. So seriously I went straight from order filling to fixing the house to make it sell (after we bought it we realized they had done a crap job fixing things so lots of things fell apart and it's super dated).
So I'm super tired. But I keep on telling myself this level of hard work should be over this week, I hope. And there is a house I absolutely love and want it's perfect. I could have a great big work room for all my stuff that also would fit the music makers stuff and have plenty of room for kiddos to be right there with us. We're trying to put an offer on that, send us your good vibes.
Anyways that's why my posting here has been on the weak side. Hopefully I"ll regain my energy and sanity soon.