Glad you could join us for the November 2009 Oprah Retrospace Book Club meeting. This month we are looking at some of the worst titles in book history. If any additional titles come to mind, please leave them in the comments. I'd love to hear them.
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The Cosmic Rape is bad enough on its own, but it's made worse by the text below the title which makes Theodore Sturgeon sound like a cosmic rapist: "The cosmic rape by one of the most imaginative storytellers of our time".
No comment.
I KNOW when you first read the title you read it as "Black Ass Blood". Admit it. I'll confess that I not only read it as "black ass", but actually, for a moment, thought there was a misprint when I noticed the missing "S".
Judge a Book by Its Cover brought this one to my attention. It was published in the 1990's, so it's not a retro read; however, I just couldn't help myself.
Chuck-A-Lust? Huh? Not sure what that means, but it sounds bad.
Ed Noon and the Bouncing Betty doesn't sound too bad. Read on...
She's a MATTRESS TESTER? You've got to be kidding me. (image source)
Several of these images taken from
Be sure to catch the sequels: The Child in the Stroller with a Lollipop and a Glass of Water and The Man on a Bike with a Baseball Cap and a Bic Lighter.