Howdee all,
After birding Sacramento National Wildlife Refugee we went to Davis to see the Burrowing owls at the Wildhorse golf club.
mounds of dirt with cylinders as openings that were carpeted for some reason..
We were all fascinated by these owls and spent quite a bit of time watching and taking photos.
The owls below are not in man made homes…. Burrowing owls can take over ground holes of other animals
One came out and gave us a better look…
The sun was setting… was very chilly…but we continued to watch..
And theyContinued to watch us….
We had a great day…meeting new friends… Topping of the day with the Owls was so appropriate..Scott is trying to save a group of Burrowing Owls from approaching development, and Larry will be creating habitat for burrowing Owls
Please go to Scotts blog to read more about his efforts to save a group of Burrowing Owls
We lasted as long as we could…but it was getting dark…And the birders were hungry…
We had a Wonderful day!
A pleasure to meet everyone
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Check out
Scotts account of the day