I'm sick, not sick enough to lose weight or just lay in bed all day long, but sick enough to feel blah and like I should still get things done, but finding it hard to do that. Boo. So here's my plan for the week taking into account that I feel yucky and that we should try to empty out our fridge and freezer (hopefully we'll be moving in a month).
Sunday: Ate at Red Iguana
Monday: Corn Chowder
Tuesday: Turkey Enchiladas (frozen from left over thanksgiving turkey)
Wednesday: Sausage and Acorn Squash (need to use up sausage links (2 kinds, shopping at Costco on an empty stomach), send me your recipes, I'm not feeling my normal sausage ideas and we've got a good amount to eat over the next couple weeks.
Thursday: Shrimp and Cashew Nut Stir Fry
Friday: Jalapeno Mac and Cheese and Apple Sausage
Saturday: Ravioli and Meat Sauce
I think I'll go pick up some juice and Harry Potter and try to trick myself into getting something done.