Can your brain even comprehend a time when this sort of ad was commonplace? I guess the since the 1990's, the "Kate Moss heroine addict look" has been the something for women to strive to achieve. Personally, the anorexic look just doesn't do it for me. A lot of the women we consider sex symbol icons of yesteryear (Marilyn Monroe, Jane Mansfield, Betty Paige, etc.) would be considered straight up FAT today.
In this day of skeletal beauty, it is interesting to look at the many advertisements from the 1960's and 70's which beckon their readers to put on some pounds to achieve that ideal beauty!
BTW forlks, this is one of those images that's already been swiped (from my Flickr set) by 50 blogs before I even had a chance to publish this post. (sigh).