Howdee all.
This past weekend a group of Birders who Blog,Tweet , chirp and use facebook for Social networking, gathered in Patagonia, AZ for some birding.
Check out Ray Goodwin's blog post of the day
Donna Simonettis photos of the weekend on facebook
I will do a few posts of our weekend…Stay tuned.
Cast of Characters
Starting bottom left
Cynthia White, Linda Rockwell, Donna Simonetti, Nan Goodwin
Dawn Fine in middle
Top row.. Earl Norris, Bosque Bill, Ray Goodwin, Jeff Fine
Donna Simonetti her Facebook page check out her facebook bird photos
Cynthia White Preskitgurl on twitter
Linda Rockwell and her significant other Earl Norris LRockwellatty on twitter
Ray Goodwin Twitter-sonoranconnect and his blog Sonoran Connection
Nan Goodwin Twitter-AuntNancySoap and her blog Aunt Nancys handmade soap.
Bosque Bill Bosque_Bill on twitter and his photo blog Bosque Bill
Dawn and Jeff thats us! DawnFine on Twitter DawnSimmonsFine on facebook