Most of you may be aware of all the hype around dry shampoos. In my opinion, they are an amazing beauty breakthrough. Not only do they save us time in the morning, but they also help to prevent colored hair from fading, and they are greatly effective to soak up oil (which is my main concern).
But before discovering dry shampoos, I couldn't go a single day without shampooing, or I'd be a hot mess next morning. I've started to get really concerned about this problem when I started dying my hair (in high school), because I noticed the shampoo was making my color fade so quickly (especially when I was dying my hair burgundy... it turned a bright orange in like 2-3 weeks!), so I've started experiencing with various things I found in my kitchen to act as an "oil-soaker". Today I wanted to share with you my latest (and most effective) discovery: cornstarch!
Cornstarch is one of the main ingredients in a lot of dry shampoos. Strange, for a product that is mainly used for thickening gravy and sauce and making pudding, isn't it? The important thing is that it works!
You will need:
a paddle brush
First of all, take a look at what my hair looked like before I used cornstarch:
1. You only need a little quantity of cornstarch, as it can be quite messy. Simply put some cornstarch on your fingers and dab it on the oily parts of your hair. Then, use your fingers to lightly work it into the hair. Let it sit for around 5 minutes.
You can see that I used too much cornstarch. But eh, it was my first try!
If you look closely, you can see that there's still residues in my hair. As I said, it's very important to brush very thoroughly.
So yes, it's a very simple and quick way to get rid of the oil in your roots. Plus, I noticed that it gives little volume to my hair. I don't think I will buy any more dry shampoos after discovering the magic of cornstarch, as it's available in many dollar store for only 1$. But I will definitely continue to experience with more products in my kitchen, and I will share with you (=