I received the nose stud I ordered from this eBay store yesterday. They shipped the jewel two days after my payment, which is OK... I was expecting it would be the day of the payment or the day after, but hey, I guess that's just because that's what I experienced with my previous eBay purchases.
It came with a free nose ring backing (which I absolutely don't know how it's supposed to be used?) and nicely wrapped in an organza bag and jewelry box.
The seller even included a 10% off coupon code on my next purchase (=
I couldn't get a nice picture of the stud with my camera (it's so tiny!) so here is the picture from the listing:
Here are the details of the item:
I've been looking for a high quality nose stud with a clear gemstone for a long time now, because the ones I had where all from Ardène (a store that sells cheap jewelry at inexpensive prices) and the gemstones either fell out or where sticking out of my nose (this one is designed to lay flat on the nose). I took advantage of the free shipping offer and bought this jewelry for $12.99.
After many tries, I've finally been able to switch jewel! I hate to switch piercing jewel, it either hurts (even with Vaseline or Vitamin E) or feels strange (especially my nose piercing). And I'm always scared the hole will close before I've been able to put the new jewel in even if I know it won't!
I took some picture to show you what the stud looks like on my nose, even if you can't really see it clearly:
yes, my nose is red because as I said, it hurt to remove the other stud
It's really pretty and sparkles a little when it catches the light. I went with the smallest size available (1.5 mm) just to be sure it would be OK for my future job or even if I decide to search for a student job.
Now I'm still waiting for my leggings to arrive. I ordered them before the nose stud, and the seller marked them as shipped before the stud, too! It's been more than a week now... I'm so impatient, I know xD