I saw this tag on many blogs so I thought I would do it even if I'm not tagged (who cares?)
The rules:
fill in 12 likes, 1 love and 8 hates.
I LIKE ; drinking alcohol and getting drunk.
I LIKE ; going clubbing.
I LIKE ; driving my car in the summer with windows down and music blasting out loud.
I LIKE ; my dog, Balou (actually, it's more a "love" than a "like" but I'm only allowed to one "love").
I LIKE ; doing nothing all day but blogging and reading.
I LIKE ; animals, especially dogs.
I LIKE ; makeup and skin care (of course!)
I LIKE ; getting something in the mail (yey for packages!)
I LIKE ; sleeping with my boyfriend
I LIKE ; reading in the sun all day in the summer
I LIKE ; having dinner with friends
I LIKE ; doing my nails
I LOVE ; François ♥
I HATE ; people.
I HATE ; people who never have an opinion on anything or never make their mind.
I HATE ; people who invade my personal space.
I HATE ; people who never smile or laugh.
I HATE ; people who don't know how to drive.
I HATE ; people who are not polite.
I HATE ; people who never understand a thing.
I HATE ; people who mistreat animals.