Under the Sand is a vintage Cthulhu postcard
This chart explains Inception Math based on statistics from the movie.
Falarsimons has posted some amazing Tron 2 concept art.
Geek Syndicate offers this preview of the new Tron Legacy Billboards.
Idiot Duck has a gallery of the Most Amazing Sand Sculptures in the World
Jeff Nishinaka creates amazing 3D paper sculptures.
Minimalist Boba Fett design by Daniel Buechter.
Space Project from photographer Vincent Fournier. "Playing on the stylised notion of a sci-fi utopia, Fournier’s otherworldly photographs of the Yuri Gagarin Cosmonaut Training Centre, the Mars Desert Research Station in Utah and the Atacama Desert Observatories in Chile – alongside a series of surprisingly stringy trainee astronauts - offer an alternative view of the world, unseen by many and known by few."