Geriatric Bypass: The act of denying your actual age in order to give others the impression that you are younger.
Back in day, there were only a handful of slang terms you had to master to get by. Sayings like "do me a solid" and "don't be such a spaz" only made sense once you got hip to the relatively few buzz words of the day. Of course there was the incredibly complex CB language and the so-called "jive" lingo; but your average joe didn't need to worry about mastering these dialects to function.
With the advent of the internet and social networking as well as texting, the slang index has grown exponentially. To help us old fogies keep up with the times (even if its marginal at best), I've decided to post some new words of the day with corresponding vintage images. Why the pictures? Well, as the world renown program, The Rosetta Stone, has shown - an unfamiliar term is a lot easier to remember when it's associated with a familiar image. So here goes.
Tanorexia: A disease like anorexia, no matter how tan a person is they never think they are tan enough.
Folicular Homicide - To get a disaterous hair style
HBIC : Acronym for Head Bitch in Charge
A creepy and uncannily aggressive specimen, often male, who consistently mistakes his "disgusting hands, lack of tact and disrespectful jokes" for "charm". Additionally, he doesn't EVER get the hint to go away.
(Note: Depending on if the readers like this one, I'll do more dictionary posts as a regular feature).