Back in 2008, I discussed some rather creepy public service announcements; the greatest of all time is easily Dark and Lonely Water featuring the eerie narration of Donald Pleasence - a must watch. Part II to this post can be found here. And now here's a few more PSAs to chill your blood.
This first one warns against talking to strangers - harmless enough.... but it's done in a darkened puppet theater! If that wasn't creepy enough, there's a myserious pervert lurking among the young audience.
Note: I am annoyed that whoever brought this video to us saw fit to ruin it with a watermark. It wasn't his to begin with - so, what's the point?
Evidently, there was a lot to be afraid of in the 1970s UK: escalators will crush little children, polishing a floor will kill your husband, and running for a bus will turn you into roadkill...
If the idea of The Grime Reaper going bowling doesn't sound creepy, think again. This AIDS PSA from Australia evokes some extremely horrorific imagery.
This last one is the worst of them all. Okay, it's not a PSA, but it needs to be seen nonetheless. It's a commercial for Kinder Surprise, but it looks more like a twisted nightmare. Caution: It will haunt your dreams.