Here's a shot of Daniel's grandma at her 87th birthday dinner. I think her cake is only missing a my little pony on top.
I love this first one. I love how it's imperfect, I love remembering how much fun the girls had when they found the batting and were throwing it everywhere and I just love the feel of it. When I showed L (the littlest one) the picture she was obsessed she kept on asking to see it and she kept saying:
"I want to go there"
"I want to fly with Tia"
"I want to go to the sky"I love her so much!
Daniel in the studio. They have so much fun and it makes him so happy and it means we all get more of his great music. You can listen to old songs from this project here and some newer stuff (but not this project that he was recording) here.
Here are all of them. Check out the one of me and L sewing, she will be my slave one day, oh yes she will.