Ready for another round of killer lobby cards? It's not only an opportunity to admire vintage movie art, but also a chance to be reminded of the many failures and successes, fond memories and disappointments of yesteryear. Let's go!

Haven't seen this movie, but I've mentioned before that I'm not much of a Woody Allen fan. I don't feel like his movies translate well past the seventies.... they were definitely of their time. I will, however, point out that one of these chicks appears to be handling Woody's goods.

You may recognize Tim Matheson behind Henry Fonda. The small girl held by Fonda's left hand is Ricky Nelson's daughter - older sister to the hair band brothers, Gunnar and Matthew. Also, Gary Goetzman, the famed producer of Silence of the Lambs and many other big films, played one of the older boys.

This 1972 Redford film is on my list of movies to see - it certainly has received a lot of critical praise. I wonder how the film holds up over time. Political commentary movies are often hit or miss, and don't translate well over time.

This 1968 movie got horrible reviews and was a huge box office flop. Michael Caine said that it was one of the worst films he had been involved in along with The Swarm and Ashanti (which is quite a statement coming from Caine).. Woody Allen has made the comment that if he could live his life over again, he would do everything the same except for seeing The Magus.

Clint Eastwood wanted to do a road movie like Easy Rider, but with Thunderbolt and Lightfoot, it sort of backfired. Many critics felt Jeff Bridges stole the show, and Eastwood was completely upstaged. Clint got pissed and vowed to never work for United Artists again.

An exploitation movie featuring castration, torture, incest, and a gay slave trader. Even Warren Oates and Pam Grier couldn't save this one.

Many consider this the last great Hitchcock film... I'm not so sure I'd call it "great", or even "good". It just didn't seem like a Hitchcock film to me, I can't explain why. Even compared to Psycho, it was more brutal and disgusting, and the only Hitchcock film I'm aware of that contained nudity.

I'll spare you my long winded speech about how The Monkees were shafted; that they were a very good band, and didn't deserve the criticism they got. Head is nothing but a long psychedelic trip. There's really no story or plot line to speak of. Directed by Jack Nicholson, this has got to be one of the "trippiest" movies ever made. When they legalize marijuana, I'm watching this again.

Yes! All lobby cards should look this good. I honestly love anything done by Mario Bava, and this is no exception. Bava was a master with the lens; every scene looked amazing. I'd say Tim Burton is the closest thing we have to Bava today.

Awesome looking lobby card. The movie itself, if memory serves (I haven's seen it since around 1985), was so-so. I remember Clint dodges lots of bullets and even fortifies a bus with armored plates.... but, overall, it was not one of their better films.

Contrary to my initial thought in 1982 that this was a hardcore porn starring Dolly Parton, I soon realized this was a song and dance movie with Dom DeLuis and Jim Nabors. Boy was I disappointed.

Not as good as the original Cleopatra Jones, but this one's got Stella Stevens and Norman Fell.

This movie is batshit crazy from beginning to end. Gene Kelly wears pimp costumes and Olivia plays an ancient Greek muse come to life from a wall mural. It's so flamboyant and overboard from beginning to end, you'll have to slap yourself to prove it's really happening. It's like Tron crossed with a MGM musical, or a Vegas production of Krull, or.... screw it - it's just beyond description.