The Coolest Locksmith Shop in New York City "From a distance, it looks like a bunch of golden squiggles and spirals have been added, snaking whimsically across the facade. But get a little closer and you’ll find the real magic… The new design is made up entirely of keys, literally thousands, and thousands, and thousands of keys, twisting into wonderful assortment of swoops and twirls."
Creating the Characters of Avatar & Tron: Legacy by Andrew Penn Romine
The Kingston Lounge is a photoblog about "guerrilla preservation and urban archaeology". Via How to be a Retronaut, which drew my attention to their excellent photoessay about North Brother Island.
Steampunk Map of New York, a commission for a 9 x 12 foot wall mural for a steampunk cafe, opening in Brooklyn later this year.
Todd Klein Chooses Comics' Greatest Logos