"Illustrations based off of cliche food combinations constructed to form an ampersand"
The BBC's Stephen Fry follows the trail of Johannes Gutenberg to France and Germany, and attempts to reconstruct a working replica of Gutenburg’s first press. [Via]
The Daily Drop Cap is an ongoing project by typographer and illustrator Jessica Hische. Each day (or at least each WORK day), a new hand-crafted decorative initial cap will be posted for your enjoyment and for the beautification of blog posts everywhere.
Everything a non-expert needs to know about typography, all in one easy to digest page.
Google Earth Typography, taken from satellite imagery of Slavonia.
Hey! You got typography in my cooking. Sweet Treats - A Typographical Cookbook
The history of the Times New Roman typeface
The Ministry of Type is a weblog about type, typography, lettering, calligraphy and other related things. The FontFeed, from the folks at FontShop, is a daily dispatch of recommended fonts, typography techniques, and inspirational examples of digital type at work in the real world.
The (Mostly) True Story of Helvetica and the New York City Subway. Why is Helvetica used now, and when did the changeover occur? To answer those questions this essay explores several important histories: of the New York City subway system, transportation signage in the 1960s, Unimark International and, of course, Helvetica.
The New York Times on the perils of being a font nerd: “I think sometimes that being overly type-sensitive is like an allergy.”
Papyrus Watch exposes the most egregious uses of the played-out Papyrus font by graphic designers, businesses, and blockbuster Hollywood directors, among others. Does its widespread misuse mean that Papyrus is the new Comic Sans?
The Secret History of Typography in the Oxford English Dictionary.
We love typography. Don't try to deny it. We love it deconstructed. We love asking questions about it, and hearing people talk about it. We’ll even play games about it.