L-R: St. Elmo's Fire, Savage Garden, Turquoise Serpent
Some times ago, in this Mail of the Week post, I showed you my prize from Delicate Hummingbird's giveaway. The prizes were three Catrice nail polishes, but she very kindly included three Archetype Cosmetics Mineral Pigment Eyeshadows samples, which I have never heard of before.
I've never been a big fan of pigments as they tend to be a mess to use, and I'm usually too lazy to take the time to press them to make them easier to use, but these shades are right up my alley and I was very excited to try them. Let me tell you, I wasn't disappointed.
I found some unused Fruits & Passion containers (which I got with some hand cream samples) and transferred the pigments.
Take a look at these beauties (descriptions are from the website):
St. Elmo's Fire: The base color is a subtle warmer purplish plummy shade, muted and greyed a bit and hinting towards taupy brown around the edges; there is a quirky iridescent sheen to it, silvery/green/sortapink. Green sparkle. Medium in tone, opaque, surprisingly subtle
Savage Garden: Very subtle bluish greypurple color with an overlay of blue-turquoise iridescence over the top- tip to the side, and it flashes to pink purple. Orchid sparkle. Medium in tone.
Turquoise Serpent: Warm golden brown with turquoise sparkle- very much like Xibalba but with no coppery tones.
L-R: Savage Garden, St. Elmo's Fire, Turquoise Serpent
My favorite is Turquoise Serpent, it's just so gorgeous, pigmented and sparkly! The mix of brown and turquoise is unusual and super pretty.
Overall, I'm very impressed with these babies, and I think they have definitely changed my mind about pigments.