Where's Wall*E by Richard Sargent
Better yet, how many of the 181 robots can you name? Use the guide picture to name as many as you can. The most correct robots will win a poster. Answers to richard@hopewellstudios.com. Closing date for entries 31st August 2011. Source: Hopewell Studios
Art of the Genre: Top 10 Fantasy Artists of the Past 100 Years
Fan art, bootleg or both? Fan art, bootleg or both? Tom Papalardo sounds off on the ubiquitous "Minimalist Revisionist Poster" trend
Graffiti Tag Letter Taxonomy (Paris)
Postmodernism is dead and we still aren't entirely certain what it was.
Spider Bug! 15 Spooky VW Beetle Car Art Sculptures at the WebUrbanist
Terry Moore has been posting some of the sketches he’ll have for sale at Baltimore Comic-Con