Ubisoft Montreuil started constructing huge post-it note video game characters on their building walls when suddenly, the BNP (a bank) building across the way fired back with some of their own designs. Thus spawning the great post-it note war in France of 2011.Source: L'Express
More Money, More Art: 32 Currency Creations
Mr Whaite designs animated neon movie signs for classic films such as The Shining, Jaws, and Beetlejuice.
Reports of an unofficial Firefly prequel are incorrect. Originally it was reported in the The Westmorland Gazette that 'Lost Transmissions' was "a science fiction film based on cult television series Firefly". More details (including a poster) at the film studio's website.
RorschMap is a website that applies a kaleidoscope effect to Google Maps. Screen captures make excellent desktops.