So remember these babies that I started from seed, well yeah, I suppose you can see for yourself. Well for the past month the rain has been watering my porch container garden and now that it's all sunshine out I've got some questions. I'm hoping some of you might have experience. So I'm going to sound like an idiot but really I just planted these cause my friend was like, hey let's grow food, la di da. Yup. I'll ask her tomorrow night some but I like to get multiple opinions. So here goes, don't laugh or if you do just don't let me know.
1. So am I supposed to pick off the yellow leaves? (if you click on the side picture it should make it bigger, the lower leaves are what I'm unsure about)
2. Are the brown dots on the leaves okay?
3. How do I know if they are getting enough water? How about too much?
4. So all I'm doing is watering them, is there something else I'm supposed to be doing.
5. Should they be all limp looking or is something wrong? Cause the tomatillo looks all strong and lush but everything else looks sad. (the picture below has the tomatillo dead center, now look at the tomatoes around, see droopy, or is that just how tomatoes are)
See told you they were pathetic questions but if any of you with a green thumb have suggestions I'd love to hear. I'm a first time veggie garden mommy so I'm hoping I'm just being paranoid but really if you notice something please tell me.