The beauty of a prediction is that when they inevitably don't come true, no one will remember you said it. Who saves or rereads their magazines a year or so later? Almost nobody.... and so their failures go unnoticed, but they are quick to remind you of the ones they got correct..Well, I read old magazines - I read them thirty or forty years later and can see what a ridiculous racket this whole thing is. Here's a typical example (from 1967):
Grace Kelly stopped making movies for good in 1956. She started one in 1982 but died.... I wouldn't say this is a good prediction. Also, Frank Sinatra did have a son.... but he was born in 1944. And worst of all - George Hamilton did not marry Lady Bird Johnson!
I'm especially fond of reading through Lillian Cosby's predictions in the 70's. Here's a few...
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Wow. These are real bad. First of all, she's saying that, even though Nixon was impeached, he's still running things from the White House and will be back in the headlines. Wrong.I guess she was right about Jimmy Walker. His entire career did change when he became unemployed a few years later.
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I don't get this Tony Bennett prediction. Is this some sort of veiled threat?
Many of you are familiar with the Criswell from Plan 9 from Outer Space, or at least Tim Burton's Ed Wood. Well, the world famous Criswell made a prediction I can get behind.... BOTTOMLESS!
And finally, did you know that 1956 will be year that changes the world? I mean, ALL FOUR of the greatest prophesies will come true this year! What prophecies, you ask? Just send your name and address and I'll send you a free pamphlet.