Tira LOVES trains. Every time we go to the Children's Museum she talks about the choo choo train. She hadn't even been on the train, just watched it go by from the car or sidewalk. She looks for it the second we get off the freeway and waves goodbye as we drive away. So, we decided to make a point to go on the train. What is extra cool is that Trax (the train) has a free fair zone in SLC which includes the area where the museum is so we could just hop on and ride up and down for a while as she grinned ear to ear.
She liked it so much we went again week. We made up a whole choo choo train dance. Seriously, besides having to put up with the rif raf (it is the free ride zone after all) it's one of the best activities I've done with those babies. I even think Lanna likes staring out the window during the ride. If you're in SLC with kiddos I highly recommend it, if you're not I encourage you to check out your public transit options I bet it would give the same thrill, I know I was really excited about my first bus ride when I was little.