Sometime in the late 1970's, computers stopped being sexy, cool and exciting. Companies began marketing them as family computers, as toys for kids, or for drab utilitarian purposes at work. Where once you had go-go girls lounging all over the hardware, suddenly you had guys like Bill Cosby and Bill Bixby as spokesmen. Boooooring.
Nowadays, we are so far removed from the computer's early days, we can't imagine them being groovy chick magnets. They are so integrated into our lives that computerization goes almost unnoticed. I've posted on this topic before, so I'll try not to repeat myself any more. It's a subject I find fascinating. Here's a few more artifacts from when computers were groovy.
If you haven't discovered the ye-ye girls music of the 60's and 70's, it's high time you did. Here's France Gall with shagadelic computer song, "der Computer nr 3". It's not an advertisement, but I still thought it fit with what we're talking about.