Here's some scans from the January 1968 issue of Co-Ed Magazine. It was basically geared toward female college students with articles on fashion, dorm decorating, cooking and relationship advice. Nothing ever gets too risqué - no sexually explicit columns like you get in Cosmo these days. Very little is mentioned about academics either, which is a bit surprising considering the magazine is called Co-Ed and published by Scholastic Magazines........ but then, when you see pieces like the one below, it becomes more understandable.
Look at the amazing career opportunities for women - you can be a secretary or a stewardess!
click to enlarge
Note: I did a quick Google search for "Co-Ed Magazine" and nearly every link is for some site that is in no way related to this magazine whatsoever. It's evidently very popular, and it looks like an online Maxim; not the sort of thing I'm interested in. I would've liked to have learned a little bit about this magazine, but it was not meant to be.