One day someone is going to start a kickass vintage miniskirt blog and put Retrospace to shame. Until then, I continue to carry the torch of being The Bestest Place for Old School Mini-Skirts on the Internets. Yes, it's a gimmick to attract tons of traffic, but it's also a noble cause, a task I bear with great humility and dedication. Sure, these posts take five minutes to create (and that's including a four minute snack break), but that's beside the point. The point is, if you want vintage minis, Retrospace has got you covered.
This time, the theme is "plaid minis". I will appreciate any comments except those that point out that a particular mini is technically madras and not plaid. Don't think too much, just enjoy the minis.
I didn't want to piss off your CPU, so I made the images small. Just click on them to view the full sized image.
Note: I noticed a few of the pictures can't be clicked; just right click and view in another window or tab.