Howdee all,
Most people will be saying TGIF
Today..I am in a bit of a funk..
My little fur ball is getting old..
He is having kidney issues…He went to the vet for what we thought was an infected was an ulcer caused by excess acid in his system. He has lost 2 pounds in the last year..His hind legs aren't as strong either…another symptom of his sickness.
Ballie is 16 years old
He will be on meds to see if he can put on some weight and to help his kidney values.
This is Ballie when he was younger..
Its hard to say goodbye..but I am preparing myself.
I am crying as I type this and I haven't even lost him…he is till living and purring and doing the things he likes to do…and not in pain.
I am trying to find the courage to be strong when I know he will begin to fail..
Passed three years ago ~age 13
Three months he was sick..I was sick along with him..
Took a while for me to get over his loss..
Ballie Collage
Pets bring such joy..
Its sad to see him get old..
I'm not good at it..
Not strong enough…
I admire those who can put the whole situation in a different practical perspective..
but my petals are gone.