Ah, Monday mornings... Aside from making endless to-do lists for the upcoming week, I also tend to let my imagination run wild, which is why I'm loving these two pics above and below. Admittedly, I'm wishing I had a long weekend and was still in bed in the middle of a major schnooze fest... For those of you Stateside, Happy Fourth of July! Enjoy your uber long weekend!
I love the idea of a tea party in the middle of the streets of New Orleans (sans the rain), however I'll probably throw in some delicious cocktails. (Please don't judge)
Most of you may have heard about the craziness that's been going on in Greece. We also had power cuts sporadically throughout different burbs most of last week (really frustrating when you've lost work/internet connection), resulting in me paying a visit to my mother-in-laws cake shop and stuffing my face with ice-cream. There was no power, I hate wasting food, so what's a girl to do but eat cake and ice-cream eh?