Bret Hit Man Hart -- (born July 2, 1957, in Calgary, Alberta, Canada) is best known to wrestling fans as "The Excellence of Execution" and as one of the top technical performers in the history of the World Wrestling Federation, for which he coined himself the nickname "the Best There Is, the Best There Was, and the Best There Ever Will Be."
Bret Hart was born into the industry as the son of famed trainer & wrestling promoter Stu Hart of Calgary's Stampede Wrestling. Bret broke into the business through the ranks of Stampede Wrestling, where he quickly established himself as deserving of the top spot in the promotion, despite being the promoter's son (his older brothers had kept the top spots without equal respect of their peers or the fans).

"On another thankful note, I wanted to say that my recent WWE tour that landed me back in London, England's 02 Arena, Brussels, Belgium, Mannheim, Cologne, and Nuremberg, Germany and capped off with an amazing couple of days in Istanbul, Turkey. I usually try to write about my wrestling life experiences such as being the enforcer in Randy Orton's bout, but I'll skip right to one of the highlights of my storied career: standing in as the #3 man of the Hart Dynasty, David Hart Smith (Harry Smith) and Tyson Kidd (TJ Wilson), throughout the German leg of the tour. The Nexus crew were spoiling for a pier 6 brawl and they got one; one that landed one of them in the sharpshooter every night. It was such a thrill for me to live a sweet dream, perhaps Davey Boy Smith's dream, but a sweet one all the more knowing that when young Harry was but a lad, he never ever stopped believing he'd someday grace a WWE ring. Even as a mere boy, I think we both often wondered if somehow, someday.