Pacific Monthly began in the late 1800's and contained a diverse array of topics. Tolstoy and Sinclair Lewis had text published in this Oregon periodical. In 1911, it was purchased by the Southern Pacific Transportation Company and merged with its current mag, Sunset. By the time the 1970s rolled around, this magazine was basically a bunch of advertisements and short articles on "Western Living". (It's still around today, although I haven't read any current copies of it.)
As far as Retrospace is concerned, the more advertisements the better. Here's a look at a few nice ones that I've scanned for your viewing pleasure.
Madge is a bitch. |
"Imagine the possibilities", I used to think. "When I'm old, I'll just submerge my entire body in this miracle soap and look young again!" Madge was too stupid to realize the ramifications; but my seasoned 8 year old brain knew that this was the Fountain of Youth in a plastic squirt bottle.
this is a cropped image; click to view full sized complete ad |
Honey, take down that framed picture of mom and dad above the mantle. Put up this crummy paper towel in its place. The only problem is - which horrible design do we choose? The poorly drawn fruit, the unbelievably lame bags of sugar and flour, or the awful patchwork design. Decisions. Decisions.
Looks nice, but I wonder if a child could get to sleep with colors so loud as to burn the retina. |
I first thought this was a travel ad for some little known European town called Wamsutta. No dice. It's just a sheet ad.