Monica Botkier, hangdbag designer, accused the Kardashian trio of copying one of her designs. The designer sent a cease and desist letter to sears after being informed of the similarities between her design and the leopard print handbag from the Kardashian Kollection. Sears responded by pulling the handbag from sale.
Monica Botier told WWD:
'In a case like this, it’s upsetting because it’s a trademarked shape for us... It’s a lot more complicated because it’s hard for independent designers to do anything against mass retailers or megabrands.
It really calls attention to what Steven Kolb and the CFDA are really working towards — it’s not necessarily about sticking on a fake label, you are actually taking someone’s design idea.This definitely hurts people in the industry and it makes it more difficult that you can’t protect it by law. The CFDA is working on trying to change these laws and make designs more protected.'